If you are looking for the partial permit application form or would like to join CVM, please contact us via email: cvm@hightechcampus.com

Partial permit requirements

If you are located at HTCE then (partial) permit regulations apply. In your partial permit PART 2 the regulations relevant to you are highlighted. The document below contains all possible regulations without highlighting.

Partial permit requirements
Information Board

You can use this information board within your organization as a reminder that you must adhere to your partial permit.

Information Board
Environmental guide

This document describes some basic rules, such as waste disposal and the use of hazardous substances. You can use this document within your organization to communicate these basic rules to all employees.

Environmental guide
Procedure Grondverzet

Indien u grond gaat verzetten op HTCE, dan vindt u in dit document de regels. 

Procedure Grondverzet
Gevaarlijke stoffen

Voor het gebruik en de opslag van gevaarlijke stoffen gelden algemene (inter)nationale regels. Daarnaast zijn er ook specifieke regels die alleen op de High Tech Campus gelden.

Gevaarlijke stoffen


Earthmoving Procedure

If you will be moving soil on HTCE, you will find the rules in this document.

Earthmoving Procedure
Hazardous substances

General (inter)national rules apply to the use and storage of hazardous substances. There are also specific rules that apply only on the High Tech Campus.

Hazardous substances

Link to the CVM Homepage