You are here: Events / Fe+male Tech Heroes dinner: Mind Full or Mindful?

Social Event
Fe+male Tech Heroes


Language: English
Date: 11 Oct 2022
Time: 17:00 - 21:30
Entry fee: 42,5


The Lounge, High Tech Campus Eindhoven

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Is your mind full? Or are you mindful? An important question if you are pursuing a career in this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous) world, where everything is always moving forward. But are you also there in the present?

During the Fe+male Tech Heroes dinner on October 11th, we will take you on a journey: from mindful eating to authentic leadership. How do you stay true to yourself, and find your way in your career?

Two role models will share their lessons learned with us:

  • Artie Debidien, Chief Information Officer KPN

“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars!” Artie Debidien is Chief Information Officer at KPN. She comes from a traditional Hindu family and grew up in Monster in Zuid-Holland. Debidien seemed mainly 'destined' for a role as a mother and housewife, but she herself had very different ambitions. “I've had to fight like a lion and bear my scars from every fight in the arena, but now I'm finally ready to say there's no need to fight this way anymore." 

Before KPN she worked as International CIO for NN, CIO for Nibc Bank, CIO/COO building and growing Knab Bank for Aegon Netherlands, Dell, Dexia Bank, Bank Labouchere & Delta Lloyd Bank amongst other employers. People like Oprah Winfrey, Maxwell Gladwell, Brené Brown, Neelie Kroes and Rob Jetten were her sources of inspiration during this trip, she says.

  • Miranda Nouwen, Business Coach The PowerUp Company

Born into an entrepreneurial family, working hard has become a habit for Miranda. As a beta girl she has always been 'one of the guys' and she feels more than comfortable with that. Miranda is the mother of a teenage daughter. During her pregnancy, she started a company in the male-dominated mechanical engineering industry. At one point the company numbered more than 500 people and among that group Miranda was a source of inspiration. "Fall and get up again, never give up" - is her motto. Today, Miranda is a successful business and entrepreneurial coach with a track record within The Power Up Company, which she re-founded. The secret? Authentic leadership, hard work and combining your ratio with your intuition.


Date: Tuesday 11 October
Time: 17.30 - 21.30 hrs (doors open from 17.00)
Location: Restaurant The Lounge (HTC 1A, first floor), High Tech Campus Eindhoven.

For who?

For anyone (female, male, non-binary) who is interested in technology, wants to be inspired in their career, meet role models, network and support us in our mission to get more women and diversity in tech.

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