1. Nice girls just don’t get it: a workshop about negotiation

Ilse de Graaf, Talent Acquisition Lead at Smart Photonics

About the art of negotiating and avoid the pitfall to become a hostage at the table.

Room: Zeeman, Conference Center


2.  Be your own career hero

Margot Nijkamp, Co-founder at ESTI (The Ecosystem Institute)

In this day and age it is important to carefully consider steps in your STEM career. You have an innovation profile and there are many, many opportunities. How can you coach yourself and others through these steps? Learn which questions to ask, which signals to process and how to take decisions. Which mindsets will be helpful for you? Challenge yourself on the uncertainties you experience. How threatening are they really? Get from good to great, and from smart to wise.

The promise is: it will be a workshop to remember. You will get a personal little gift to remind you of the learnings of this workshop in your future steps.

Room: Auditorium, Conference Center


3.  Career Compass: navigating highs and lows in your tech journey

Mayke Smits & team, Program Marketing at Dassault Systèmes

We spend over 80,000 hours at work in our lives – more time than we spend with family, friends and loved ones. So the decision how we choose the right career for ourselves, or if we feel we are still in the right career, is really important. During this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore with your fellow participants what is important to you. We all have a CV, but what can your timeline tell you? During this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to look back to help you look ahead. Sounds cryptic? Maybe a bit but we’ll help you to spot themes and reflect on patterns. And so help you explore any future direction in your career, or maybe you’ll come to the conclusion you are doing what you love and would love to do more of it. You’ll leave the workshop with a new ‘lens’ to look at your career to date and we’ll help you to map some of your insights to help you think about your future. And your insights might inspire the other participants!

Room: Bohr, Conference Center


4.  Walk the catwalk and empower yourself

Annelies Hoek, Catwalk model

Annelies Hoek was an international model for 30 years. Starting in the 80’s, she worked in Paris, Milano, Hamburg, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and other high-fashion cities. But that’s the past. Annelies now brings her modeling experience to attendees of her “catwalk experience” workshop, one you’re not likely to forget! Life is a catwalk: it’s all about being aware of our posture and movements and the impact on others and ourselves. Every day we can gain strength and power from our appearance that we can use where we need it and when we need it. We learn by practicing. So, walk the catwalk and empower yourself!

Room: Summer Tent, Outdoor The Strip


5. Help! Gen Z in the workplace - Leading Gen Z

Ingrid van Tienen, Expert in talent, leadership and organizational development at Ormit Talent Group

Generation Z, better known as Gen Z, is the first true digital generation. Born between 1997 and 2012, and growing up with the internet, smartphones, and social media. Like no other, this generation knows the opportunities and possibilities within your organization. Not only in the field of digital, but also think about: Enough challenges for your organization, but... are you also familiar with the specific expectations that Gen Z has when it comes to work, the organizations and managers they work for? No? Good news: we have gathered everything for you in this workshop.

Managing talent: how to be the best manager for Gen Z?

  • There are currently 4 generations working in the workplace
  • What about you? Who is from which generation?
  • Gen Z who are they?
  • Different perspectives
  • Leading Gen Z – Care to Dare
  • How do you experience this within your company?
  • What are best practices & learnings?
Room: Zernike, Conference Center


6.  Telling better stories

Lisa op ’t Hof, Managing Director at Demcon

We must tell better stories than the tyrants, Salman Rushdie advised recently. This workshop explores leadership styles through personal storytelling. It examines breaking down barriers by anticipating them and weaving old stories into new narratives. Lisa op’t Hof, Demcon’s Managing Director of Life Sciences and Health in Eindhoven shares her personal story in the tradition of women weaving impactful stories in technology. She argues for leadership, not as a journey or destination but as a way of seeing things. She will not confine herself to linear storytelling. So don’t be surprised if you come across white rabbits or hungry caterpillars. Or an icon from Wonderland: “At one point, Alice even fears that some of Wonderland's creatures have confused her for a servant, as when the White Rabbit thinks that she is his housekeeper.”

Room: Lorentz, Conference Center